
Free footballs for grassroots teams

Providing free footballs to grassroots teams is one of the any ways in which Directors Box will support local football clubs

You can get free footballs from Directors’ Box.


Providing free footballs to not for profit grassroots football teams is one of the many ways in which Directors’ Box is supporting local football teams.


The core ethos of Directors’ Box is to support grassroots football and football related charities, and one of the main initiatives is to provide free match balls to local football clubs. 


We have other initiatives too that provide benefits to local clubs who use the Directors Box app and take part in the weekly quiz.


Grassroots football teams are an essential part of communities and over the years have produced a number of world class footballers. Without the hard work and support of these local league clubs, would we have seen these brilliant football stars?


Directors’ Box want to help to ensure that grassroots football can continue to thrive, as we realise the financial costs of keeping these clubs running can be a burden. We hope that our support goes a small way to help the continued existence of these clubs.


One of the clubs we have recently started to  support with free footballs is Solihull based Glades Football Club ( which has around 300 players.


Chairman Paul Donlon explained “When I heard about Directors’ Box free match ball scheme and how straight forward it was to get support , it was a no brainer really.  Initiatives like this really help to take the pressure off budgets which ultimately helps to keep club fees as low as possible which is something that I’m sure isn’t just an aim of Glades but grassroots teams in general.”


Paul continued “In a nut shell, the more club members that downloaded the app, the more free match balls that we received!  The app itself is great anyway and created a load of banter with a poll on ‘Who are the most passionate Midlands fans’. Blues came out on top of that, so just need to move up the table in the real world now.  We received our match balls in time for a quarter final and unfortunately went out 5-4 on penalties , but at least the match balls looked good!  Thanks so much for the support from Directors’ Box – it really is appreciated.”


To find out how your football club can get free match balls, email and we can provide the information. To qualify for our scheme, you simply must be running a not for profit community football club.